8 Popular Recognition Award Categories for Employee Recognition

8 Popular Recognition Award Categories for Employee Recognition

Celebrate, Recognize and Inspire Workforce with these Creative Employee Award Ideas

There is no doubt about that motivated employees are the big assets for every business as inspired workforce is not only highly productive but also, they are positive, confidence and result oriented. That’s why, business owners, HR managers, CEOs and executives are very keen in motivating employees on a regular basis by hosting employee awards program for the sake of business growth and improve employee engagement. But the question is when and for what reason you reward your employees? Well, it is completely depending on you and on your employee recognition award strategies. Achievements can be made by your employees by quarterly, monthly, half-yearly and annually on the other hand employee achievements are being laid on unique recognition award categories. Whatever it is but the important thing is you need to recognize your team and employees as soon as possible and as much as possible. Yes, this is very good practice and it this way you can keep entire workforce engaged, happy and inspired during different times of the year. Furthermore, when you award employees in different award categories using creative awards it will surely increase employee’s job satisfaction and boost their performance which is really good for your business. For example, we can say, you are the auto dealer and one of your employee is working for your company for 10 years and this year he/she is also showing impeccable sales performance by accelerated himself/herself by going above and beyond. As a best practice, you should recognize your employee in 2 categories: crystal 10 years of service award for milestone achievement and crystal car award for outstanding sales performance award. It is true that the more you recognize your employees the more job satisfaction and overall improved performance you will see in your corporate headquarters. This is where employee recognition awards play a vital role for every business in the modern corporate world.


Benefits of Giving Employee Awards as Recognition

Before discussing more about different recognition awards categories, it is very important to understand why you recognize employees and the importance of employee recognition award. Employee recognition awards are given as a token of great accomplishments of employees, it is also given to encourage employees to repeat good performances and drive them to achieve even better which delivers a strong ROI. Successful employee recognition strategy can make a big difference to your company culture and are very good at encouraging entire workforce and inspire them to give their best effort at work. In fact, a well-designed recognition awards and powerful recognition policy will not only boost employee’s morale but also improve overall business success. Recognized employees who feel appreciated are more likely to stay longer and serve for a long time. It also strengthens relationship with employees and employer, making your brand or company attractive to others means stay your brand in the competition.


Key Facts that will Make your Employee Recognition Successful

Keeping your top talents motivated by giving them best recognition is the first priority. However, there are some important recognition elements are there that you need to follow for successful recognition.


Frequent and Instant Recognition: You can give recognition award annually or once a year, but today’s fastest changing world is so challenging thus annual recognition is not enough and for that reason, try to recognize your employees and team multiple time throughout the year and of course as soon as achievements is made that will put immediate positive impact on them and so on your business. This will maintain good relation between the achievement and the appreciation.


Recognition Option: Another very important component is the option you choose for the recognition. You can give recognition in several ways like: awards, trophies, plaques, incentives, bonuses, gift cards, certificates and etc. But believe us, if you really want to impress employees and want to give the best recognition that they deserve then “awards” will be the best recognition option you should choose. Awards are one of the very popular recognition award choice these days and prestigious than any other employee recognition items on the market. Whether it is employee recognition, corporate recognition or sports recognition, awards are the kind of recognition piece great for every occasion, achievements and events.


Meaningful Awards: Try to avoid giving simple thanks with regular awards and plaques. If employees are important to you then employee recognition should be even more important. Give ultimate recognition with a thoughtful recognition awards in a specific recognition category. For example: if you are in the real estate sector then you should award your real estate dealers with crystal real estate award or if your in the aviation sector then it would be better to recognize your employees with crystal airplane award and same for the other sectors. When you able to introduce modern and creative recognition award ideas for your employee recognition it will create great enthusiasm among employees and make your recognition ceremony stand out for sure.


Material of Awards: Very important. Don’t go for cheap and low-quality materials like: plastic, metal or wood instead go for optical crystal awards for employee recognition. Crystal awards are sleek, corporate and elegant plus they will make your corporate awards eye-catching and impressive. Sparkling crystal awards will highlight special achievements in an awe-inspiring way and create a lasting impression for many years. That’s way small medium business to large multinational companies using engraved crystal awards to recognize companies, employees and team.


Best Employee Recognition Awards Ideas for Every Occasion

Finding out appropriate and category-based recognition awards for employee recognition can be a challenging task for you specially, when you need multiple engraved awards in different themes for employees and teams working across different sectors. CreativeCrystalAwards.com is the trailblazer in the corporate awards business for more than 5 decades. We have years of experience in making company awards for both employee recognition and corporate recognition. While visiting our online award store, you will see unique selection of crystal awards and crystal trophies, these are trophies and awards come in wide range of motifs and designed for every industry and sector. Here at Creative Crystal Awards you will get animal theme awards, oil & gas theme awards, car theme awards, heart theme awards, casino theme awards, real estate theme awards, education theme awards, aviation theme awards, flame theme awards, diamond theme awards, fruit theme awards, globe theme awards, star theme awards, pyramid theme awards, obelisk theme awards, marine theme awards, sailing theme awards, whale theme awards, drop theme awards, music theme awards, fishing theme awards, logistics theme awards, sports theme awards and many more. These crystal awards can be tailored and engraved for any employee awards title including: appreciation, retirement, milestone achievement, anniversary, leadership, teamwork, MVPs, sales performance and many more. Which means you will get your desired theme/industry specific awards under one roof without wasting your time.


After doing some brainstorm, we decided to discuss in detail about these

8 Most Popular Employee Recognition Award Titles as these will be a good starting point for all HR managers, employers or award event managers to kick off a successful employee recognition award program for utmost recognition.


employee recognition awards, corporate recognition awards crystal 

Awards for Employee Recognition – Employee Awards – Corporate Recognition Awards



1. Employee Service Awards

Celebrating employee’s work anniversary is a best practice as in this way you are not only going to honor your most loyal and dedicated employees who has been working in your company for long time but also every employees will get a change to receive work anniversary awards when they making a particular milestone like 5 years, 10 years or 15 years. Practice of giving job anniversary awards for a specific milestone is a brilliant way as it is an excellent way to express your appreciation for their years of hard work devoted to your business. Employee who is willing to stay year after year is a big deal, so, you should value them an acknowledge their effort with unique years of service award. By presenting years of service awards, you can show your gratitude for employee’s dedication, commitment, longevity. Job anniversary award is one of the very popular in this recognition category and that’s way, almost every company at-least reward their employees in this recognition award title. When you recognize employees for years of service, it will strengthening connection between employees with company. There are many types of employee service award ideas are out there but if you want to congratulate your most committed employees in a unique way then crystal number awards would be an excellent recognition choice for your company. When you reward someone with a crystal service award by year it will surely be an attention grabber. Recipients would love to receive and display their job anniversary awards and it will be a treasured keepsake to them for many years. Creative Crystal Awards USA, manufacturing and supplying custom crystal service anniversary awards for decades. When visiting our crystal years of service awards category, you will see exclusive selection of employee service awards in crystal including: crystal 5 years of service award, crystal 10 years of service award, crystal 15 years of service award, crystal 20 years of service award, crystal 25 years of service award, crystal 30 years of service award, crystal 35 years of service award, crystal 40 years of service award, crystal 45 years of service award, crystal 50 years of service award and employee long service awards. These number shaped crystal awards come in wide range of colors and sizes. However, if you want to make custom crystal service awards for specific number then we can make any custom numbers in crystal. When you purchase these customized crystal employee work anniversary awards in number shape, you will receive free in-house engraving, free branded presentation box, free setups and each of your engraved crystal years of service award will comes in quick time-frame.


employee service awards, corporate crystal awards for years of service 

Employee Years of Service Awards


Best High-End Crystal Anniversary Awards : Employee Service Awards



2. Teamwork Awards

It is true that business success is highly depends of employee’s performance but still on most occasions every employee need to work as a group or as a team member. Business would not be successful without the team effort and contribution by the team members. That’s why, you must need to recognize team instead of recognizing individual employees. When employees working for each other, this not only indicates happy and healthy company’s work environment but also helping them to achieve something extraordinary for the business. That’s way teamwork is very important in every sector in the modern corporate world. By presenting teamwork awards you can build up very strong connection with every employees of the team. So, for the betterment of your business, recognize team’s effort with unique teamwork awards. But you may face difficulties to find the right teamwork awards for you next recognition awards event. Don’t worry, Creative Crystal Awards is the best American awards supplier, offering best selection of crystal teamwork awards at competitive price. Our crystal teamwork awards ideas includes crystal three-tier pyramid award, crystal stacked mountain peak award, crystal plaque on 3-tier base, crystal cubix tower award, crystal three star award, crystal double sailboat award, crystal globe obelisk award, crystal handshake award, crystal puzzle pyramid award, crystal triple peak award, crystal stacked cube tower award and may more. These crystal teamwork award ideas are great for team player recognition and designed to embody the spirit of collaboration and teamwork. Our custom teamwork awards are made from high quality optical crystal and they are come in modern designs, unique styles. These teamwork crystal awards are designed to impress. These uniquely hand-crafted custom crystal teamwork awards will not only uplift team’s spirit but also inspire them to work as a unity that will bring cooperative success for your business.


teamwork awards, corporate-crystal awards for teamwork 

Crystal Awards for Team


Best High-End Crystal Teamwork Awards Ideas : Teamwork Awards



3. Leadership Awards

If teamwork is important than leadership is even more important. Because to buildup a good team and to operate them efficiently, the team should have a good leader. Leadership is a great quality that motivates, inspires employees and drive team members on right track in every sphere of business life. Leadership awards play a vital role in any business. Without leadership, a good team can wobble in tough situations and may not reach their goal. So, beside teamwork recognition, you also honor your team leaders. Recognizing team leaders is not just a part of recognition but also a very important viewpoint of positive work culture. Finding out perfect leadership awards for honoring outstanding leaders in various roles and industries can be a real tough ask for you. Don’t worry! As a industry leading awards supplier, we understand the significance of leadership recognition. Creative Crystal Awards supplying best leadership awards for your true leaders. Our crystal leadership award ideas include crystal soaring eagle award, crystal charging bull award, crystal diamond tower trophy, crystal globe pedestal trophy, crystal fist award, crystal star tower award, crystal heart column award, crystal lighthouse award, crystal thumbs up award, crystal torch trophy, crystal flame trophy and many more. These leadership crystal awards are designed to honor outstanding leaderships. Leaders who receive this exquisite crystal leadership award will able to inspire team members or employees through their vision and ability to navigate challenges by focusing on their excellent leadership quality. However, if you need to make custom awards for leaders then our craftsmen can produce high quality crystal awards for recognizing and encouraging your leaders. Each of your crystal leadership trophy awards will comes inside a free individual presentation ready gift box.


leadership awards, corporate crystal awards for leaders 

Crystal Awards for Team Leaders


Best High-End Crystal Leadership Award Ideas: Leadership Awards



4. Achievement Awards

Achievements can be made by your team and employees in various categories and industries therefor, figure out right employee achievement awards can be a bit tricky. Before dive into the crystal achievement award ideas, first of all, we need to know the categories of achievements and these are global achievements, milestone achievements, star achievements, lifetime achievements and many more. Creative Crystal Awards offering crystal achievement awards for your top achievers and for every occasion and events. We are offering crystal globe awards for world class achievements, crystal star awards for super star performance, crystal diamond awards for life-time achievements, crystal apple awards for excellence in teaching, crystal marine industry awards for special achievement in the seas, casino theme crystal awards for outstanding achievement in casinos, crystal house awards for achievement in the real estate sector, custom crystal education theme awards for teaching or academic achievements, crystal flame awards for leadership achievements, crystal music theme awards for musical achievement and various crystal sports ball awards for sports achievements and others. These achievement crystal awards can be customized and engraved to recognize your high achievers for their extraordinary achievements and inspire continued success. However, if you need unique achievement awards in crystal then you can contact us let us create and deliver unique crystal awards for recognize and celebrate exceptional achievements in any industry.


achievement awards, corporate crystal awards for achievements 

Crystal Achievement Awards


Best High-End Crystal Achievement Award Ideas: Achievement Awards



5. Retirement Awards

Retirement award is a one last opportunity to show heartfelt appreciation for employees hard-work and commitment for over the past years. What a great way it would be when say goodbye to your long-time employees, colleagues, friends with memorable crystal retirement awards. The employee retirement awards you choose should be unique, eye-catching and memorable so that it can create wonderful memories for many years. Furthermore, don’t go for cheap or regular retirement plaques as a retirement gifts specially when retiree person has been with your company for a long time, because this is the one last chance to value them and give them special thanks for years of dedication. As an owner of the company, It is becoming really hard to say someone goodbye. That’s why it is very important for you to convey your deep appreciation with creative retirement award. Creative Crystal Awards is the America’s largest manufacturer of crystal awards and trophies, offering unique retirement award ideas that you are looking for. In our online store, we have some elegant selection of retirement awards and retirement gifts which includes crystal sailboat award, crystal heart award, crystal seashell award, crystal guitar award, crystal car award, art glass fish award, crystal bowl award, engraved crystal whiskey glass sets, personalized crystal decanter sets, crystal clock award, crystal poker ace of spade award, hand blown art glass vase award, art glass sailing boat award, art glass teardrop award, art glass eye award, multi-colored art glass rainbow sculpture award, green art glass twist award and many more. When you honor your retiring employees with these unique retirement award in crystal or art glass, it will carry a special meaning to them, they will feel valued and know how much you love them and will miss them. Beside these custom crystal retirement awards ideas, we also have wide range of crystal figurine awards and art glass sculpture awards that you can also choose as retirement gift awards. Each of your retirement crystal awards will be engraved in-house with care and comes inside a deluxe presentation ready gift box.


retirement awards, corporate crystal awards for retirements 

Crystal Retirement Awards


Best High-End Crystal Retirement Award Ideas: Retirement Awards



6. Sales Awards

Good sales mean good business! In the modern business world, sales department or sales team plays a vital role. Every business heavily depends on sales. This is why company always intends to hire experience and dynamic sales professionals to increase sales. So, it is essential task for you to recognize your top salespersons with unique sales awards specially, when your salespersons increasing business sales by showing impeccable sales skills and achieved incredible sales results. This could be a sales team member who has made the most sales and drive the most revenue for your business. So, if you are searching for sales award ideas then Creative Crystal Awards will be the best crystal awards seller for you. We are supplying uniquely hand-crafted crystal sales awards that you can consider acknowledging outstanding sales achievement for your salespersons. Dive into a range of our crystal sales awards ideas and you will discover some impeccable sale performance award includes crystal 10K awards, crystal number awards, crystal dollar sign award, crystal peak award, crystal soaring star award, crystal obelisk award and many more. These sales crystal awards are not only designed to honor your best sales individuals in your company but also fueling your sale team to perform even better in the competitive sales arena. Or let us create custom crystal sales awards in a meaningful way for your sales professionals and it will driving them to bring sheer business success.


sales awards, corporate crystal awards for salespersons 

Crystal Sales Awards


Best High-End Crystal Sales Award Ideas : Sales Awards



7. MVP Awards

MVP stands for “most valuable player” or “most valuable person”. MVP award is mainly given to the best player of the sports team, major sports leagues or sports tournaments. So, if you are searching for MVP award ideas to recognize ultimate sports achievements of your sports clubs or sports events then you will get high quality crystal MVP awards here at Creative Crystal Awards. In our collection we have all major sports awards for MVPs including crystal soccer MVP award, crystal football MVP award, crystal baseball MVP award, crystal basketball MVP award, crystal golf MVP award, crystal volleyball MVP award, crystal tennis MVP award, crystal pool 8 ball MVP award and many more. On the other hand, these days, MVP awards are also widely given to the employees and professionals in the corporate world. In the corporate sector, MVP awards are given to best employees, best salespersons and to those high achievers who plays big roles in the business success. If you are looking for MVP award ideas for your special employees then you can check our crystal M award, cut crystal MVP award and other corporate award ideas available on our online retail award store. Whether you buy crystal MVP awards for sports recognition or purchase crystal MVP awards for employee recognition our custom MVP crystal awards will make your recipients feel like an MVP for sure.


MVP awards corporate crystal awards for MVPs 

Crystal MVP Awards


Best High-End Crystal MVP Award Ideas: MVP Awards



8. Innovation And Creativity Awards

Celebrating ultimate success or recognizing great achievements are extremely essential for employee motivation and increase team spirit. It doesn’t matter in which categories you are going to awards your employees, but it is very important to use unique and creative awards that can not only make the awards event memorable but also inspire and engage entire workforce. Creative ideas should be recognized with creative awards. So, if you need to recognize bright ideas or innovative ideas of your dynamic employees then you need to figure out creative award ideas. Creative awards will not only inspire and motive employees but also bring out the creativity from them. Creative Crystal Awards introducing creative awards ideas for your creative persons and innovative thinkers in your company. These crystal innovation award including bright idea crystal light bulb award, brain power award, crystal puzzle piece award and many more. These innovative award ideas are designed to honors those who develop groundbreaking ideas, think outside the box, and implement creative solutions for business development. Creative Crystal Awards is highly specialized in manufacturing in creative awards for various individuals. So, if you need to design bespoke awards base on your own ideas then you can share your creative ideas with our expert award designer. Our crystal craftsmen are highly creative, and they can make any bespoke crystal awards in an eye-catching way.


innovation awards, corporate crystal awards for innovation 

Innovation Awards


Best High-End Crystal Innovation Award Ideas : Innovation And Creativity Awards



It is well proven that when you able to bring unique employee award ideas for employee recognition, you can quickly boost employee engagement and lift their morale and improve employee experience in the office. We strongly believe that, when you implement these above 8 creative employee award ideas as recognition practices in your company, these creative corporate awards will ensure that your employees are going to recognize with best recognition awards in a thoughtful way as well as these crystal recognition awards will move your corporate recognition awards program to the next level. However, if you need unique employee awards for other recognition categories that we aren’t cover here then you can visit our online retail trophy store. You will find many other corporate award ideas base on every categories, themes and recognition budgets.


Searching for Unique Crystal Recognition Awards Ideas? Check out these

8 Inspiring Corporate Crystal Awards

that will help you to appreciate and recognize your employees in a modern and unique way.


If you want to buy No Minimum Order Crystal Awards Rush? Then explore these

10 No Minimum Order Crystal Awards

ready for sale and ship in 2 to 3 days.



Customized Crystal Awards Maker and Wholesale Crystal Awards Supplier USA


CreativeCrystalAwards.com is the largest crystal awards supplier in United States. Since 1982, we are manufacturing crystal awards and trophies in our own crystal factory and supplying all over the world at factory direct prices. We are sourcing optical crystal trophies and awards mainly in the United States of America and also in United Kingdom, Europe, Australia, New Zealand and Canada. In our crystal studio, we are producing handmade crystal awards, crystal trophies and crystal plaques mainly from high quality pure optical crystal. We are the manufacturer of crystal trophy awards also engraving our crystal recognition products in-house which ensures high quality engraving with accuracy. In addition to this, our workers are also making high quality gift boxes which means each of your engraved crystal awards will be packaged individually inside elegant presentation box with foam lined that ensure safety during transportation. Creative Crystal Awards in the bulk crystal awards manufacturer in USA. Our crystal award industry can manufacture custom crystal awards in bulk in quick turnaround. This time, we are shipping our personalized crystal awards worldwide via FedEx/USA. Our team is made up with 50 workers including skilled crystal artisans, professional engravers, creative graphic designers, quality assurance specialist and knowledgeable customer support team.


CreativeCrystalAwards.com is the America’s largest online retailer of crystal awards & Trophies. We are selling highest quality corporate crystal awards online to small companies, large multinational companies and fortune 500 companies around the world. Our online trophy store contains more than thousands of crystal corporate awards, recognition crystal plaques, crystal sports trophies, crystal trophies and crystal promotional products. These crystal award trophies and gifts can be customized to suite with your needs. Beside manufacturing, bulk crystal awards, we are also making crystal awards in small quantities that meet with our minimum order quantity requirement. Creative Crystal Awards USA is the bulk corporate awards manufacturer, and our minimum lead time is 10 to 15 days. So, you are hereby request you to please make your order online as early possible so that our crystal craftsmen can get enough time to make your custom crystal awards with care. But sometimes, you may need engraved awards quick. Don’t worry, to meet your rush order awards requirements, we stock some of the most popular awards in our Florida warehouse which means you can buy your desired awards quick in any quantities from our rush crystal awards category. Our rush awards can be delivered within 2 to 3 days across USA nationwide. However, you if you need customized crystal awards then we are the best custom crystal awards maker can produce any crystal figurines, crystal mascots, crystal sculptures and crystal replica as per your choice and needs. So, if you are searching for high end crystal awards supplier in USA and want to make custom crystal trophies & awards then you are in right plaque. Please don’t hesitate to speak with Creative Crystal Awards by calling at 813-948-6441 or send your email inquire online by visiting our contact us page. Let our crystal awards designer transform optical crystal into a unique crystal masterpiece. These stunning crystal crafts will deliver on quality and bring the WOW factor at your upcoming awards ceremony.